I was used. You were used. Well, were we really?
People talk a lot about other people using them. They mourn, moan and groan about it. They feel hurt…yes, they feel used. I used to think like that but have since grown into a different kind of understanding, a different way of thinking.

However, the person being used is being who they are. They believe they are helping someone who has a need. Out of their caring, they do what is natural for them. In an unconscious way, they are building their good karma.
What you give, you receive a hundred times over. Who really benefits from the User – Used scenario if you receive what you give?
Never for a moment feel used by anyone. Never reside in that place. Give thanks you had an opportunity to help someone. Bless the User by Speaking Life and move right along being you. You just may get the chance to see the User get their just rewards.
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